So we got our next tank in yesterday. The thinking evidently was that by leaving it out in the parking lot we would have more room to work (true) and it would be easier (not entirely true). The deal with these tanks is that the special sealant we use dries in about 10 minutes and since we have to bolt down over 50 bolts it takes pretty careful planning and smooth team work to get everything together. Unfortunately with the slight slant of the parking lot the holes didn't quite line up and then we couldn't find the extra caulk because the roofers moved it and to top everything off we were trying to do this at 9:53 this morning after people had already started lining up to get in to STI. Anyway, after about a really intense and messy (this stuff is so sticky, but we can't help but get covered with it) half hour I had to drive one of our volunteers, Don, home to get a special drill. So I manage to have one ill fitting glove on my right hand so I can at least drive with out covering the car with sticky stuff and I have to open the car doors for both of us....on and on. Once it was all done we were already laughing about it, but man it was a hectic morning and were quite the spectacle for our visitors.

Thank goodness the rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I gave only one tour today and it was a great one. It started as only one family so I encouraged them to ask lots of questions, which they did. I always love when people ask questions, but to be able to answer really intelligent, well-thought out questions is always fun. The only downside to our day was that the roofers were here working on the roof, which though that in itself is a great thing they made a lot of noise and startled a bunch of people.
It's another beautiful day and hopefully I'll be able to spend sometime on the beach after I run a few errands. I'm really excited though because Adrienne and Tom have moved into a new apartment and tomorrow night we're all headed over there for a house warming party and pancake dinner. It will be a nice way to finish off our weekend.
These pictures are of some of the hatchlings from this season. The photographer is the lovely Adrienne McCracken and if you'd like to see some more of her pictures you can check them out on her site http://www.pbase.com/caracalx/sea_turtle_inc.
Be thankful, we live in a beautiful world.

Thank goodness the rest of the day went pretty smoothly. I gave only one tour today and it was a great one. It started as only one family so I encouraged them to ask lots of questions, which they did. I always love when people ask questions, but to be able to answer really intelligent, well-thought out questions is always fun. The only downside to our day was that the roofers were here working on the roof, which though that in itself is a great thing they made a lot of noise and startled a bunch of people.
It's another beautiful day and hopefully I'll be able to spend sometime on the beach after I run a few errands. I'm really excited though because Adrienne and Tom have moved into a new apartment and tomorrow night we're all headed over there for a house warming party and pancake dinner. It will be a nice way to finish off our weekend.
These pictures are of some of the hatchlings from this season. The photographer is the lovely Adrienne McCracken and if you'd like to see some more of her pictures you can check them out on her site http://www.pbase.com/caracalx/sea_turtle_inc.
Be thankful, we live in a beautiful world.
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